Friday, July 17, 2009

Ok - yet another blog.

Mineshaft Gap.

Ok, what’s this blog about.

Like many people the idea of blogging is kind of attractive to me. And like many people I’ve lacked the commitment to see it through and I’ve contributed my fair share to the fleet of Marie Celeste like ghost blogs floating the high seas of the net. But this time it will be different (I promise - ok I hope).

I actually do have a blog (Pmac Imagery) that has stayed alive (barely) and which I’ll be working to get off life support but I think I need/want another. PMac Imagery is a photography blog – I want to limit it to photography type topics. But I have ideas, thoughts, and opinions on a whole range of things outside photography. That’s where Mineshaft Gap comes in. The concept for this blog (and associated bits and pieces) is that this is a home for whatever thoughts have survived my war with reality and how I see the world now.

So what exactly am I going to talk about?

Easy – stuff that interests me! That might be cars, politics, religion, philosophy, god alone knows. I’m deliberately going to keep it pretty flexible as I think that will be the key to me having some remote chance of keeping this project alive.

I think that if I’m able to just be me – and therefore write about what I’m really, actually thinking and feeling I’m likely to be committed to do it. But there is more.

I am interested in having this blog be read by someone else. I’m not after a book deal or looking to retire on the proceeds of internet ads but I do want to matter to someone else – if I can do that I’ll be happy. To that end I recently heard an interview with the guy that created the “Stuff White People Like” blog (really cool site, although it seems I’m only about half white) and he said something that really resonated with me. That is that the key to a really successful blog is to not try to be successful. Work hard – sure, present well – absolutely, but don’t chase a “market” with your ideas.

So that’s the plan. I’ll work to write stuff worth reading about stuff I’m interested in. That’s my only promise.

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